Beech Architects Limited

Beech Architects is an award winning practice with a specialism for design led projects for individuals, public and private sector clients. We have an extensive portfolio of projects including individual housing design, heritage buildings, commercial and estate management as well as larger scale residential developments.
The practice has a strong interest in sustainable design and we often work closely with ‘self build’ clients who are undertaking their own ‘grand designs’ projects. We believe in contextual contemporary design that is low energy, carefully thought out and a joy to live and work in!
Our architecture studio in Thorndon, Suffolk, provides us great access to projects across the region and further afield. We work on schemes with a construction value of £50,000 upwards throughout East Anglia and beyond.
The practice is led by directors Craig Beech & Ruth Paternoster who have experience of projects across the United Kingdom and have delivered complex schemes from feasibility stage to completion with contract values of over £10million.
Recent awards include the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyor regional design award, RIBA Suffolk Commendation and a RIBA East award shortlisting.
Church Farm Barn
The Street, Thorndon,
Suffolk, IP23 7JR
E enquiries@beecharchitects.com
T 01379 678442